Agriculture and Natural Resources Secondary Data
Data provided in this issue of Kentucky: By The Numbers were compiled to correspond to the issues covered in the Agriculture and Natural Resources section of the
Cooperative Extension Statewide Community Needs Assessment
The statewide needs assessment was conducted to identify and prioritize community needs, issues, and/or opportunities that Extension could address through targeted educational programming and engagement efforts.
The survey was divided into 4 sections: 1) Agriculture and Natural Resources, 2) Youth Development, 3) Family and Individual Development, and 4) Community and Economic Development.
The secondary data have been compiled to assist in using the survey results for local planning. Data from many different sources were compiled and links to each data source are provided both in the pdf file and below.
To access the other issues of Kentucky: By The Numbers produced for the Community Needs Assessment:
Family and Individual Development
Community and Economic Development
For counties with small populations and small population groups within larger counties, the margins of error can be quite large. The margin of error tells us how precise the estimate is by indicating the range within which the estimate most likely falls. For help in understanding the margin of error, see the brief Kentucky: By The Numbers publication “And Now for the Grain of Salt.”
County Data Sheets
Click on the file that contains your county name. All counties are listed alphabetically.
To view these files, you will need Adobe Acrobat.
Regular Size Paper (8.5"x11")
Adair Butler Edmonson Hancock Knox Madison Nicholas Shelby
Allen Caldwell Elliott Hardin LaRue Magoffin Ohio Simpson
Anderson Calloway Estill Harlan Laurel Marion Oldham Spencer
Ballard Campbell Fayette Harrison Lawrence Marshall Owen Taylor
Barren Carlisle Fleming Hart Lee Martin Owsley Todd
Bath Carroll Floyd Henderson Leslie Mason Pendleton Trigg
Bell Carter Franklin Henry Letcher Meade Perry Trimble
Boone Casey Fulton Hickman Lewis Menifee Pike Union
Bourbon Christian Gallatin Hopkins Lincoln Mercer Powell Warren
Boyd Clark Garrard Jackson Livingston Metcalfe Pulaski Washington
Boyle Clay Grant Jefferson Logan Monroe Robertson Wayne
Bracken Clinton Graves Jessamine Lyon Montgomery Rockcastle Webster
Breathitt Crittenden Grayson Johnson McCracken Morgan Rowan Whitley
Breckinridge Cumberland Green Kenton McCreary Muhlenberg Russell Wolfe
Bullitt Daviess Greenup Knott McLean Nelson Scott Woodford
Data Sources
- Table 8. 2022 Census of Agriculture. USDA.,_Chapter_2_County_Level/Kentucky/
- Table 1. 2022 Census of Agriculture. USDA.,_Chapter_2_County_Level/Kentucky/
- Table 45. 2022 Census of Agriculture. USDA.,_Chapter_2_County_Level/Kentucky/
- Table S2801, 2022 American Community Survey 5-year Estimates, U.S. Census Bureau.,%20Computer,%20and%20Internet%20Access&g=040XX00US21,21$0500000&d=ACS%205-Year%20Estimates%20Subject%20Tables
- Table 2. 2022 Census of Agriculture. USDA.,_Chapter_2_County_Level/Kentucky/
- Table 6. 2022 Census of Agriculture. USDA.,_Chapter_2_County_Level/Kentucky/
- 2021 County Business Patterns, U.S. Census Bureau.,21$0500000&y=2021&d=ECNSVY%20Business%20Patterns%20County%20Business%20Patterns&n=11:21:445:71:72:7225&nkd=EMPSZES~001,LFO~001
- FEMA National Risk Index, Federal Emergency Management Agency. Dataset Version 1.19.0. March 23, 2023.
- FEMA Disaster Declarations for States and Counties, Federal Emergency Management Agency.